Office Attire: Comfort Over Style ?

November 17, 2022
Girl sitting in loungewear in an office

It is patently evident that the pandemic has sped up a long-running debate about the usefulness of office dress. Lockdowns had only been in use for a few weeks when predictions concerning the future of heels and blazers started to be made.

Millions of office workers would happily ditch formal office wear for good - with many unwilling to give up their slippers when they eventually return to the workplace.


Working from home attire

Studies have revealed that 36 per cent have been keeping cosy in loungewear while carrying out their work tasks - with nearly a quarter wearing oversized t-shirts - and 34 per cent frequently sporting track suit bottoms.


Top 20 items office workers have changed out before a video call

24 per cent have even changed out of loungewear ahead of joining a work video call.

  1. Loungewear
  2. T-shirts
  3. Hoodies
  4. Gym wear
  5. Shorts
  6. Tracksuit bottoms
  7. Oversized t-shirts
  8. Sweatshirts
  9. Jeans
  10. Leggings

With 86 per cent enjoying no longer having to wear shoes on work time – 36 per cent have kept on trend wearing sliders – with nearly one in five opting for a timeless sheepskin slipper.

However, 28 per cent also admit they have missed wearing their office attire in recent months due to working from home.

Yet 53 per cent would still like to continue to wear casual clothes upon their eventual return to the workplace.


Bringing comfort to the workplace?


One in 10 of those polled, via OnePoll, would like to be able to wear their slippers/comfy shoes to the office, while baggy t-shirts, shorts, leggings, and comfy sweatshirts are also popular garment choices for a future workplace return.

Other home comforts workers would like to be a part of their office return would be cushions, a blanket and even their pet.


Is it time for change?

What is considered appropriate professional wear today? Have workplace dress codes undergone a significant transition? We all became accustomed to seeing our co-workers in woolly jumpers, t-shirts, and most definitely no ties as a result of the pandemic and everyone working from home. Many organisations had a more formal dress requirement for employees who worked in their offices. 

A formal dress code, according to some, is out of date, and they are pushing their employees to dress comfortably since it will enhance output.


Work comfortably with Bedroom Athletics

If your preference is to be comfortable and cosy whilst working, then Bedroom Athletics has you covered. Browse our wide range of bedroom attire, available in a variety of colours and styles for both men and women.