Why you should be wearing slippers and not shoes in your home

by Gwyneth Moore January 24, 2019
Men's clog slippers

The footprints, mud and dust left behind after wearing shoes through the house can be a bug-bear for any domestic king or queen. But have you thought about what nasty bugs and germs could be lurking on the bottom of your shoes?

We wear our shoes everywhere we go (unless you’re lucky enough to be at the beach), without taking too much notice of what we’re treading in. It’s not just the dog poop or chewing gum we see that contains all kinds of hazardous bacteria to our health. There’s also the teeny, weeny microscopic bits we don’t see with the naked eye!

After a long day and finally arriving home, it can sometimes be too much effort to even reach down and take your shoes off straight away, we get it. Whilst some might call you lazy, the damage you could be doing to your health is far more important; contaminating your home with a shed load of bugs.

Why to buy slippers

A 2008 study by Dr Gerba, Professor of Microbiology and Environmental Sciences at the University of Arizona, found there’s over 421,000 different types of bacteria, such as E-coli, on the bottom of our shoes - he also found that 96% of shoes carry coliform, a bacterium found in human feces. Ergh, gross!

When walking across grass, rarely, if ever, do we think about the weed-killer, fertilizer or other chemicals we might be treading in. The same goes for petrol, oil and other harmful substances on roads and pavements. And for the ladies who take their killer heels off on a night out...need we say anymore?

So basically, who wants to trample all those bad things around their home? Especially if you have little ones crawling around and putting anything and everything into their mouths.

Wear slippers not shoes in your house

We understand that wearing shoes around your home can have some benefits, so why not opt for the healthier, more-suitable slipper? Whilst swapping your shoes for slippers at the door can save some time on cleaning, think about the time you’ll also save on not feeling sorry for yourself, laying in bed poorly because of unwanted bacteria from the bottom of your shoes.

With so many different designs and colours to choose from, there’s a slipper out there to suit everyone. Why not have a browse at the new, awesomely trendy styles available at Bedroom Athletics. It’d be rude not to!